
ShackledCraft Forums – A Quick Guide to the ShackledCraft in 2022:


The ShackledCraft Forums are a great place to discuss the game, chat with friends, and share tips & tricks! However, there are some rules of conduct that must be followed in order for everyone to have an enjoyable experience.

Please read these guidelines carefully before posting anything on our forums. If you find something in-game that violates these policies, please contact a moderator or admin immediately so they are aware of it and can take appropriate action.

The ShackledCraft Forums have been around for a long time.

The ShackledCraft forums have been around for many years and they are a good place to post suggestions, bug reports, or general feedback about the server. The forums are not a place to discuss other players or their builds.

The forums can be used to communicate with the staff and fellow players.

The forums are a great way to communicate with the staff and other players. They should not be used for asking for staff assistance, reporting other players, or asking for technical support.

The rules of the server also apply to the forums

The rules on the server also apply to the forums but are more restrictive. For example, you may be banned from the ShackledCraft server for swearing too much, but swearing at all is a bannable offense on the forum.

The forum rules are located here:

You can post suggestions, bug reports, or general feedback about the server.

Please do not post anything that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. We are a family-oriented server, which means that we expect users to treat each other with respect. If you see someone acting out of line, please report them using this link (

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The forums are also where you can share your ideas for new things to add to the server and vote on what gets added first! You can even suggest something that’s already part of the game but needs some tweaking in order for it to better suit your needs as a player (or just because it’s not working right).

The forums are not meant for discussion about other players or their builds

The forums are not for discussing other players or their builds. This is the same as discussing a person’s in-game build, which is not allowed. The ShackledCraft forums are a place to discuss the game itself, but not about the people playing it.

Griefing, stealing, or otherwise abusing someone’s property on the server is not allowed on the forums

If you see another member doing this, report it to a moderator or admin. If you see someone using the server for griefing, stealing, or otherwise abusing someone’s property on the forums, please do not post about it here.

If you find something in-game that violates these policies, please contact a moderator or admin immediately so they are aware of it and can take appropriate action. Takeaway: Be careful what you say on the ShackledCraft Forums

If you find something in-game that violates these policies, please contact a moderator or admin immediately so they are aware of it and can take appropriate action. Takeaway: Be careful what you say on the ShackledCraft Forums

The best way to report someone for breaking our rules is to use the in-game report system. You can do this by clicking on the player’s name in chat, pressing ‘R’, and choosing “Report”. The second best way is to use our forums here: [link]. You can also send us an email at


The ShackledCraft Forums are a great place to be, but don’t forget that the rules of the server also apply there too. There are plenty of people who are willing to help you out if you have any questions about how things work or what’s allowed on the forums so don’t be afraid to ask!

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