
Monitor your heart rate with Apple Watch

Introduction of Apple Watch:

Apple Watch gives Your heart rate gives you important information about your body and your health. When your doctor checks your pulse, he or she is getting a reading of how fast your heart is beating. The number of beats per minute (BPM) can tell you whether you’re at rest, active, or somewhere in between. Depending on what type of Apple Watch you have and whether you’re using the Workout app or the Heart Rate app, there are different methods for using Apple Watch to check your heart rate:

Press the side button to open the Apple Watch app grid.

Press the side button to open the app grid.

Once you’re in the watch face, swiping left will bring up your various contacts, who can then call or text you by tapping their name.

Tap Heart Rate.

  • Tap the side button to open the Apple Watch app grid.
  • Tap Heart Rate in the upper-right corner of the screen, then scrolls down to view available options for your heart rate.
  • Select History to see a chart of your past measurements, as well as details about each measurement such as when it was taken and whether you were active or not at that time (iPadOS 15+ only).

For more detailed reading, tap a reading in the graph.

For more detailed reading, tap a reading in the graph. A menu appears with options for viewing your heart rate as beats per minute (BPM), beats per minute per kilogram (bpm/kg), and beats per minute per milliliter (bpm/mL).

Tap History in the upper-right corner of the Heart Rate screen.

To view your heart rate history, tap the History button in the upper-right corner of the Heart Rate screen.

Apple Watch graphs your average heart rate over a period of time, as well as at any specific time (for example, you can see your average and highest heart rate during your workout).

You can also view it on a calendar by tapping Calendar in the upper-right corner and choosing a date range to display.

For more details and options, tap a reading in the list.

Tap a heart rate reading to see more details, or tap the date and time to see all readings from that day. If you’re tracking an activity, tap it to view data from your workout. When viewing a graph of your heart rate readings over several days, tap the reading to view data for that particular session.

Your heart rate is an important indicator of your overall health

Your heart rate is a measure of how often your heart beats, and it is an important indicator of your overall health. For example, when you exercise, your heart works harder and has to beat faster to supply the oxygenated blood that feeds muscles with energy. Your Apple Watch has two sensors that detect your pulse:

  • A photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor on the back of the watch detects changes in blood flow through tiny veins near this point of contact. In other words, it tracks how much light passes through these veins as they expand and contract with each heartbeat based on their changing volume, which corresponds with each heartbeat’s intensity.
  • An accelerometer detects small movements in your wrist when it’s bent forward or backward—a sign that indicates whether or not you’re wearing an Apple Watch during workouts (and thus need to register those activities).


Your Apple Watch can detect your heart rate and give you a better understanding of what’s going on in your body. By changing settings on your watch, you can use it to measure how many calories you’ve burned or even just keep track of important information like when someone texts or calls.

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